Violin from the Heart Inc. & Fiddle Team USA
Nationally Recognized School for Violin Performance has been blessed to grabbing the hearts of many through the years. Below you will see a plethora of MEDIA!
Village News Network
(Award Winning Features TV Documentary 2003)
In 2003, Jeffrey Smith, Founder of Violin from the Heart School was approached by the Village News Network. The plan was to create a special program featuring the amazing success the school was having in the community.

PBS Radio Interview - 90.7fm
Violin from the Heart School was recognized by Public Broadcasting Station's(PBS) - "Arts Connection" with Becky Morgan. Becky came to Treadway Elementary School during a Beginner level class after only 3 months of lessons. What impressed Becky Morgan the most was how these children were playing in sync with each other while marching around the room.

Expert on Expertvillage.com
(Jeffrey Smith was chosen by Expert Village to create 10 Free Lesson video's)
Jeffrey Smith aka J-Adam Smith recieved International interest and strong fan base of students who found these video's useful and motivating... Unfortunatelly Expertvillage is no longer. As of 2008 these video's are no longer viewable.
Dear J-Adam Smith,
" My daughter is 5 and has wanted a violin for the past 3 years. She got one a few days ago and we stumbled upon your videos at Expertvillage. She just loves watching your videos and wants to "play like you" Just thought we'd let you know how impressed we were with you and you have a huge fan.